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Located in the middle of Europe
Consists of 16 states since 1990
Democracy & social state
About 80 million inhabitants
Capital city: Berlin
Covers and area of about 360.000 km²
Pay with Euro
About our town (Meiningen)
​The city of Meiningen was first mentioned in 982. It is situated in the middle of Germany, next ot the Thuringian forest and the mountains, called Rennsteig. With its 21.000 inhabitants, Meiningen is only a small town, nonetheless with several sights. For exampe there are many historical buildings, like castle Elisabethenburg. This castle, which formst he letter E when you would see it from above, is located very central. Near to it you can see our church. With over 1000 years of age it is one of the oldest buildings in our town. Because of many renovations and rebuildings, the church is now in a new gothic style. The probably biggest attraction is our theatre. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was world famous because of several guest plays in other countries. But also the fountains are worth to mention. We have around 10 fountains, and each oft hem is decorated very detailed. But in Meiningen you can find many cultural or sporty events too – we have (beside our theatre) a cinema, many sports clubs, a swimming hall and more. All in all, a trip to Meiningen is definitely worth it!
Our School
The city of Meiningen was first mentioned in 982. It is situated in the middle of Germany, next ot the Thuringian forest and the mountains, called Rennsteig. With its 21.000 inhabitants, Meiningen is only a small town, nonetheless with several sights. For exampe there are many historical buildings, like castle Elisabethenburg. This castle, which formst he letter E when you would see it from above, is located very central. Near to it you can see our church. With over 1000 years of age it is one of the oldest buildings in our town. Because of many renovations and rebuildings, the church is now in a new gothic style. The probably biggest attraction is our theatre. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was world famous because of several guest plays in other countries. But also the fountains are worth to mention. We have around 10 fountains, and each oft hem is decorated very detailed. But in Meiningen you can find many cultural or sporty events too – we have (beside our theatre) a cinema, many sports clubs, a swimming hall and more. All in all, a trip to Meiningen is definitely worth it!