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Our country
also known by its short-form name Czechia
a landlocked country in Central Europe
bordered by Germany to the west, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the east and Poland to the northeast.
a member of the European Union (EU), NATO, the United Nations and the Council of Europe
one of the most non-religious countries in the world.
the highest peak is Sněžka (1,603 m or 5,259 ft)
the country's capital is Prague, which was founded in the 7th century
the currency is Czech Crown
the total area is 78,866 km2 (30,450 sq mi), it is the 115th largest country in the world
national meals are pork with dumplings and sauerkraut, schnitzel with potato salad and carp fish
About our town (Břeclav)
a town in the Moravia, South Moravian Region, Czech Republic
approximately 55 km southeast of Brno
located at the border with Lower Austria on the Dyje River and lies 10 km northwest of - the Slovak border
was founded in the 11th century
the total area is 77.11 km2 (29.77 sq mi)
total population counts about 30,000 citizens.
Our School
Our school is called Základní škola a MateÅ™ská škola BÅ™eclav. It is a public primary school for grades 1 – 9. Children in the Czech Republic start school at the age of six and leave school at the age of 15. There are about 600 pupils in our school separated into two buildings. The first building is for pupils of grades 1 – 5 and the second one of grades 6 – 9.
Both of them are located in the center of Břeclav.
We have two IT classrooms equipped with modern computers for each pupil. In many classrooms, there are interactive boards. We have also three language classrooms equipped with headphones, a Geography classroom, a Chemistry classroom, a Physics classroom, and a large gym. There is also a playground next to one of the buildings.
Another part of our school – the third building – is a nursery school for children at the age of three to six.
During the school year, our pupils often visit theatres, cinemas, museums, and galleries. They go on school trips and take part in different knowledge and sports competitions. Every winter pupils of Grade 7 go on skiing holidays to the mountains for a week, younger pupils go swimming as a part of PE.
Some of our pupils often go to see old people at the Old People´s Home, at Christmas, they sing under a big Christmas tree in the center of the town.



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pork, dumplings, sauerkraut

carp fish
